Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a nerve compression disorder suffered by many people. In sum cases, the patient requires carpal tunnel surgery to resolve their condition. Compression of the median nerve within the carpal tunnel causes carpal tunnel syndrome. This is located at the junction of the palm and wrist. The symptoms include numbness, burning, and tingling of the fingers and hands. Symptoms are usually worse at night when laying down in a horizontal position. Sometimes their pain wakes the patients up at night. If untreated, it can progress to permanent and irreversible weakness and disability. Unlike many conditions of the hand, therapy, splinting, massage, and stretching do not cure the problem. Surgery, when performed properly, works well and can be life changing. Surgeons who are board certified in Surgery of the Hand are uniquely qualified to diagnose and treat carpal tunnel syndrome.
The Carpal Tunnel Surgery Solution
We at Pasadena Surgeons provide the highest quality of treatment available for this condition, from diagnosis to treatment to follow-up. A board certified Orthopedic hand fellowship trained surgeon, with years of success at treating this condition, will perform your surgery. Dr. Lakshman will take his time to thoroughly explain the procedure and ease your fears. After the surgery, he will personally provide the follow up care and not outsource the job to a lesser trained assistant. He even changes the post-operative dressings and removes his own sutures! We believe that this type of continuity ensures the best results for our patients.
If you suspect that you have carpal tunnel syndrome, come to see the experts in carpal tunnel surgery.