You have put in the time and effort to keep your body and face looking young. You’re in the best shape of your life, feeling better than you did in your twenties. You have watched your diet and are exercising regularly, even introducing weight training into your regimen. Your muscle tone is like that of a college co-ed.
But when you reach out to shake someone’s hand, it is the telling sign of your age.
We communicate our youth and our vitality to the world with our hands. The hands are an important part of non-verbal communication. Should we not pay the same attention and love to the appearance and health of our hands?
Fortunately, hand rejuvenation is simple, effective, and long lasting. The hyperpigmentation, discoloration, and uneven skin tone can be treated with creams and resurfacing techniques such as chemical peels. The loss of fat, collagen and volume that lead to the “gnarled” or “witchy” appearance of the top of the hands can be treated with fillers such as Radiesse ®.
The results are what you expect. Youthful hands that reflect your youthful body and mind.
To schedule a hand rejuvenation consultation with Dr. Lakshman, please contact Pasadena Surgeons today.